Home Events Check Your Head at Aura Haunted House

Check Your Head at Aura Haunted House


Aura: The distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.

The aura emanating from the Pollak Hospital Building of the Old Peoria State Hospital District in Peoria, Illinois: ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING.

Aura Haunted House is a relatively new attraction built inside that building that is part of the Old Peoria State Hospital District. The District was opened in 1902, the Pollak Building in 1949. The Pollak was one of the last buildings to close in the asylum complex in 1973, and to use a technical term, it is haunted AF.

Naturally, when a family of haunt vets were looking for a place to finally build their dream haunted house to call their own, the Pollak was perfect. With over a century of haunt experience between them, the Little family poured it all into the Pollak and it became: AURA.

Now in its second season, Aura Haunted House represents everything that the dream team has learned piled into the extremely creepy Pollak Hospital Building. Just walking through the building is creepy enough, and the team reports multiple paranormal experiences while working on and in the haunt. Adding to the very real ghostly goings on you have a state-of-the-art haunted attraction that’ll scare the hell out of you.

If touring a haunted house in a very real haunted asylum isn’t enough for you, the last three nights of the year are blackout nights. How about walking through a haunted attraction inside a haunted asylum in pitch black darkness? Probably haven’t done that recently, have you?

You can at the end of October, this year, at Aura Haunted Attraction! Dale “Specter” Little, in charge of Logistics and Development for Aura, tells me you can also expect new sets, new characters, new fear, “…and all new screams, YOURS!”

He also said, “You Are Never…Alone! We suggest you bring your friends with you.
Grab your friends and come scream for us!”

If you’re anywhere close to Peoria, this is one of those events To Die For! Dive deeper into the Aura here for more information!

Mr. Dark Mr. Dark - an enigma wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in a spinach flavored tortilla.