Home Gaming ‘Half-Life’ Mod Mashes up ‘Max Payne’ With Gordon Freeman

‘Half-Life’ Mod Mashes up ‘Max Payne’ With Gordon Freeman


What do you get when you mash up one of the landmark first-person shooters of all time with one of the most stlyish neo-noir action games ever? Well, you get another Half-Life mod, but with the awesome stylings of Max Payne in the form of Half-Payne!

As the title suggests, the mod gives Gordon Freeman the same skills that Max has, including bullet time, a dive move, and painkillers. The mod’s creator, suXin, recently released what’s described as the mod’s last major update, which includes a random mod feature, Twitch integration, and a new nightmare dream sequence (a tribute to the original Max Payne).

The random mods feature basically, activates at random one of the many tweaks suXin added during the mod’s development. One mod will give you infinite ammo, for example, but when that wears off, you might get a drunken camera that makes aiming a little more than tough. Another mod will change your friction, causing you to slip around and get bounced back when you take damage. Basically, it makes the Twitch integration that much more integral, since it gives your viewers something to see (and vote on) instead of a plain old runthrough.

Probably the best one of the mods is “Payned”, which was added in this update. It transforms all enemies and NPCs into Max Payne, but doesn’t alter their body shape or head size. So basically, Max’s texture gets slapped onto every character in the game, whether it makes sense or not. Well, that, and it’s terrifying.

If you needed an excuse to revisit Half-Life after 20 years (come on, who wouldn’t?), then grab this mod and enjoy.

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