Home Gaming New ‘GTFO’ Footage Prioritizes Teamwork Over Guns Blazing

New ‘GTFO’ Footage Prioritizes Teamwork Over Guns Blazing


Who doesn’t want more GTFO gameplay footage? The game looks amazing, and with it being out later this year on Steam, it only makes my wishlist that much more difficult to prioritize. The nine minutes that we get here definitely give off an Aliens vibe, which is more than what could be said about what we got in Colonial Marines.

The key with GTFO is teamwork, and knowing when to shoot. As you’ll see in the video, when one squad member messes up and gets spotted, the rest of the squad will have to deal with the mess of an onslaught, and quickly. All that’s really missing is the beep of a motion tracker, and someone spouting Bill Paxton’s lines. Of course, you could go in shooting everything in sight, but the question is: Would you survive?

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