Home Gaming [Trailer] Nightmarish Game ‘The Peterson Case’ Set After Events of Roswell Crash

[Trailer] Nightmarish Game ‘The Peterson Case’ Set After Events of Roswell Crash


His name is Franklin Reinhardt. And this is the night he was taken.

What crashed in Roswell, New Mexico back in 1947? Was it merely a weather balloon, as we’ve been told, or was it an alien spacecraft, as theorists have led us to wonder? We may never know, but god damn is that the perfect set up for a creepy horror game.

The Peterson Case, a first person horror game that’s coming soon to PS4, Xbox and PC from Quarter Circle Games, uses the mysterious incident as its jumping off point.

You play as Detective Reinhardt as he unravels a terrifying mystery…

Set in 1947. In a location near the Roswell UFO incident. You will play as an experienced detective who has been called in to find information and clues about a missing family. Franklin soon discovers that there is an unearthly presence within the house that is hot on his tail – but can he solve the crime before it’s too late?

The Peterson Case promises to “strike the perfect balance between atmospheric horror, suspenseful narrative and engaging puzzles, taking the player through a unique experience which is rare within the horror genre.”

Check out the gameplay trailer below.

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