Home Movies “Five Different Time Zones”: Luca Guadagnino on the ‘Suspiria’ Sequel That’ll Likely Never Happen

“Five Different Time Zones”: Luca Guadagnino on the ‘Suspiria’ Sequel That’ll Likely Never Happen


Oscar-nominated filmmaker Luca Guadagnino put his own twist on Dario Argento’s horror classic Suspiria back in 2018, delivering a fresh take on the material that polarized audiences and failed to make a splash at the box office. Guadagnino originally envisioned the film as the first part of a two-part storyline, but alas, we’re unlikely to ever get that sequel.

Where would Guadagnino have gone with a Suspiria 2, you ask? Speaking with The Film Stage this week, the Italian filmmaker lightly touched upon the storyline he had in mind.

“Well, I’ll tell you something. Suspiria was originally titled Suspiria: Part 1 in the script and in the slate. That’s true,” Guadagnino explained to the site. “Writer David Kajganich and I had really conceived it as the first half of a bigger story. I can tell you that in part two the storyline was layered in five different time zones and spaces.”

He continued, “One of these was Helena Markos being a charlatan woman in the year 1200 in Scotland and how she got the secret of longevity.”

Guadagnino was also quick to note that Suspiria “was a disaster at the box office,” suggesting that he can’t imagine there would ever be much desire for any kind of follow-up film.

“I loved making that movie. It’s very dear to me,” he notes.

The planned sequel presumably would’ve seen the return of Dakota Johnson‘s Susie Bannion, revealed in the remake’s insane final act to be none other than Mother Suspiriorum.

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