Home Gaming Awesome Mod Turns Mr. X from ‘Resident Evil 2’ into Tom Savini’s Hellish Jason Voorhees

Awesome Mod Turns Mr. X from ‘Resident Evil 2’ into Tom Savini’s Hellish Jason Voorhees


As scary as every single zombie in the game is, this year’s remake of Resident Evil 2 is at its most tense and terrifying when Mr. X shows up, and gamers have been having a whole lot of fun with the character these past couple months. Mr. X has become something of an internet meme, replaced by various modders with everything from Nemesis to Thomas the Tank.

This latest mod is the coolest of all, turning Mr. X into Jason Voorhees!

YouTube’s Rayofpandas shares the below video of the mod, which plucks out Mr. X from Resident Evil 2 and replaces him with the Jason Voorhees that was designed by Tom Savini as special DLC add-on content for Friday the 13th: The Game. The design was based on the final moments of Jason Goes to Hell, imagining Jason after spending some time down in Hell.

Here’s what he looks like in the world of Resident Evil 2

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