Home Gaming This ‘PT’ Remake Demo on PC Almost Perfectly Captures the Original’s Spirit

This ‘PT’ Remake Demo on PC Almost Perfectly Captures the Original’s Spirit


PT has been in the news feeds again recently after a clunky bit of hysteria claimed Konami had been secretly patching the infamous Silent Hills teaser to make it no longer run (it wasn’t the case, thankfully). It did give plenty of worry about the idea of it being lost forever, so any way that the now iconic slice of marketing genius for a product that will unfortunately never be ould be kept alive is welcome.

On PC there’s been several attempts at bottling that particular magic, and they’ve been pulled by Konami one by one, but until now, none have come as close as Artur Łączkowski’s remake in Unreal Engine 4 on itch.io.

Brought to our attention by PC Gamer‘s Samuel Roberts, Łączkowski’s remake isn’t perfect, but it’s the most authentic stab at Hideo Kojima’s looping corridor madness. It’s missing just a couple of parts currently (the first room and the loop-resetting staircase), but otherwise, it’s a pretty bang on replica.

Below are a couple of screens from the remake.

It may well suffer the same ironic similar fate as the previous attempts and the actual demo itself, which got pulled from the PlayStation Store after the cancellation of Kojima’s Silent Hills.

Best check it out while you can!

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