Home Gaming Video Explores “Tales from the Crypt” Video Game That Almost Was

Video Explores “Tales from the Crypt” Video Game That Almost Was


Sadly, behind the scenes issues killed the game shortly before it was finished.

The mega popularity of HBO’s “Tales from the Crypt,” which aired from 1989 through 1996, made host The Cryptkeeper a beloved household icon, with the series spawning an animated series titled “Tales from the Cryptkeeper” and even a toy line for kids. But what you probably didn’t know is that a video game was at one point in the works.

YouTube channel CryptTube, a wonderful resource for “Tales” fans, does a deep dive into the unreleased game in their latest video, noting that the PC game was supposed to be released sometime around 1995/1996. They even caught up with “Tales” artist Mike Vosburg, who worked on the game, and scored some never-seen concept art.

How did it come about? How did it fall apart? Watch below to find out!

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