Home Tag "horror movies on netflix"

Tips to Keep Your Baby Safe in Summer

Yes, summer does that to your baby – transform him/her from a little bundle of joy to an irritable and shrieking tiny-horror troubled by dehydration, rashes, sunburns and itches all over. It leaves you wondering how you can make the first summers of the baby’s life cool and fun. Here is how: Keep your baby […]

300 Workout for Women

300 Workout for Women

Women need to strength train for fat loss. That’s surprising. And women can also train hard. That’s surprising to a lot of folks as well. Here are some cool workouts for women’s weight loss. Now just because the 300 workout was built for a guy’s movie doesn’t mean we can’t modify a workout originally made […]

5 Reasons Women Love Romance Movies

Planning Permission For Log Cabins – How to Avoid a Horror Story

There has been a recent increase in horror stories about people literally throwing good money down the drain by not seeking planning permission before buying and erecting a Log Cabin in their garden. The hidden small print tactics used by some websites offer no excuses to common sense and no Local Planning Department will listen […]

Where to Find a Horror Story Idea – Get in Touch With Your Own Fears

Top 10 Sexiest TV Series

American TV Series are often loaded with sex scenes, and the production seems to try to squeeze in at least 5 sexual scenes in each episode. And people love it. In the following few posts, I will present to you our Top 10 of America’s sexiest TV Series. Sex in the City Showcased for the […]

Top 10 Sexiest TV Series

5 Reasons Women Love Romance Movies

Since the beginning of cinema, romance movies have been well loved – predominately by women. Today, when a new romantic comedy or drama hits theaters, it’s the perfect excuse for a ladies’ night gathering. Many men (and even a few women) have wondered what it is about this genre of film that draws women in. […]

Best Horror Movies for Halloween

Wolverine Movie

So have you heard? You are right, if you have heard that there will be a Wolverine movie spin-off from the X-men movie franchise. Of course, Hugh Jackman will continue to play Logan also known as our favorite Wolverine. Many questions have been asked at Yahoo! Answers as to where there will be a 4th […]

Suspiria – An Overrated Horror Movie