Home Gaming New ‘Deathground’ Gameplay Teaser Ripe With Atmosphere

New ‘Deathground’ Gameplay Teaser Ripe With Atmosphere


So, the reveal trailer for Jaw Drop Games’ Deathground got you going for a return of Dino Crisis-eque panic horror. But, you still want to see more of the gameplay, you say. Not to worry, as Jaw Drop have released a short-but-terrifyingly-sweet gameplay teaser for Deathground.

Now obviously, things do look a little rough. Adam from Jaw Drop explains that the footage is from a first playable, with much of the content including dinosaurs, animations and models being in there to get a sense of what the game will be like. Obviously, as production goes on, everything will be updated.

Nevertheless, what’s here, along with the atmosphere and visual effects, is still impressive to see. The best part is that it’ll only get better.

Look for Deathground entering Steam Early Access Q3 2021. And check out their Kickstarter, which is only 30% away from being fully funded.

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