Home Gaming Frictional Games Teases Next Project Again on Twitter

Frictional Games Teases Next Project Again on Twitter


Frictional Games have added to the mystery as to just what their next game will be this morning with a series of Twitter posts. This goes along with the recent update to the ” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>next game’s website earlier this week.

The posts start with a recovered audio recording marked “Triple Crown”. From there, we get subsequent clips of two explorers in an underground cave finding a letter. From there, one explorer appears to disturb something in the cave, which then runs after the two. It’s your typical cliché “monster in the cave” thing.

The texts accompanying the Tweets, along with the videos, still doesn’t give us any more info on just what Frictional Games is planning, although if the theory about the website holds up, we might have our answer in September.

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