Home Gaming Ripley and a Xenomorph Share a House in This ‘Sims 4’ Twitter Thread That’ll Make Your Day

Ripley and a Xenomorph Share a House in This ‘Sims 4’ Twitter Thread That’ll Make Your Day


Andy Kelly describes himself as a “writer, video producer, internet time waster, and compulsive thing maker” on his official website, and that’s a pretty fitting description as he’s gone viral several times over with his own unique brand of content. Kelly is the “perpetual content machine” behind Dark Stock Photos, for example, a Twitter account that spawned a book.

Most recently, Kelly (@UltraBrilliant) has just captured our attention with the game of The Sims 4 he’s been running, as he’s put Ellen Ripley and a Xenomorph into a flat together!

A multi-tweet thread features hilarious screen-grabs from his Alien-inspired experiment, most of which (naturally) document a whole lot of contention between the two.

Even in the world of The Sims, Ripley and her frequent big screen adversary seem to be at odds with each other at every turn, with Ripley scolding the monster for playing his music too loud and just generally being a nuisance. Other shots, however, show Ripley and her pet monster in happier times, playing a game of Chess and even doing yoga together.

Kelly even worked Ripley’s pet cat Jonesy into the situation, and the most heartwarming screen-grab of them all shows a tender moment between feline and otherworldly monster.

For a laugh and a smile, check out the full Twitter thread below!

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