Home Gaming Capcom Producer: ‘Project Resistance’ is Part of Capcom “Branching Out”

Capcom Producer: ‘Project Resistance’ is Part of Capcom “Branching Out”


As exciting as it was for Capcom to finally reveal Project Resistance, their upcoming multiplayer spin-off to Resident Evil, there are still those chiding the company for doing so.

Some folks are unhappy that it’s not a full-on Resident Evil game, while others are reminded of Capcom’s past shortcomings when it came to multiplayer offerings based in the RE universe, most recently in the lackluster Umbrella Corps. As such, Capcom producer Matt Walker took to Twitter to dispel some of the rumblings.

“Been seeing a lot of people who are not pleased with the idea that we’re making Project Resistance. It’s totally valid that people want more of that quality core experience offered in RE2 and RE7,” says Walker. “My take: we as a company need to continue to branch out and try to offer up new gameplay in addition to refining the experiences people expect from us. If we just continue to offer up the same thing over and over again, people will gradually lose interest with what we’re making.”

Indeed, Capcom should be well aware of what happens when things like the RE franchise go stagnant. After all, Resident Evil 4 revamped the series, but in turn led to the progressive drifting away from what made the series so great until Capcom revamped again with Resident Evil 7.

Walker said the closed beta will enable players to see that despite the title being multiplayer, Project Resistance is really “survival horror at its core.” He also highlighted that Capcom is looking for feedback from players in order to improve the game, and that based on that, “it could grow from a project to a fantastic game,” and that people who have played the game so far have been “positive” about it.

Project Resistance is due out for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. No official release date has been announced.

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