Home Gaming Cosplayer Recreates ‘BioShock 2’ Big Sister That’s Scarily Screen-Accurate

Cosplayer Recreates ‘BioShock 2’ Big Sister That’s Scarily Screen-Accurate


I’m not the only one who’s a sucker for amazing cosplay, and Jaime StoneDead (with help from photographer Postmorbid) has created an amazing-looking tribute to BioShock 2 in the form of a Big Sister. What’s even more impressive is that the photos eerily look like they were screenshots from the actual game!

The photos were posted to the BioShock subreddit, and have predictably gotten an amazing response. Granted, there was some Photoshopping involved, but it was minimal. “There was light editing done to bring up my costumes lights, to combat the lights we had on set,” explains Jaime. Overall, the whole process took “about 3 months and all day on the weekends.”

You can check out more shots from the shoot on Jaime’s Instagram. As for when we’ll be seeing the return of the BioShock franchise, 2K is apparently working on it.

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