Home Gaming Tencent Reveals Trailer for Zombie Mobile Game

Tencent Reveals Trailer for Zombie Mobile Game


As most gamers know, Chinese video game companies (well, many companies, actually) take more than a few liberties when it comes to creating “new” games/products. I could get into how it’s part of the Communist system regarding the black market and blah, blah, blah, but unlike some knock-offs, this upcoming game by Chinese developer Tencent looks pretty good.

Granted, this is all based on a trailer for the game (代号:生机, which roughly translates to “Code: Live”), which is an open world survival title with zombies, a first for Tencent. There’s also online co-op gameplay, and from the look of the trailer, possible Tower Defense mechanics.

As mentioned, the trailer looks pretty good, even if it unabashedly borrows themes from Western titles such as Days Gone, Metal Gear Survive, Left 4 Dead, and State of Decay.

It’s not known if this game will show up on the other side of the pond, or even when the release date will be. But, at least it looks pretty cool.

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