Home Gaming Capcom Possibly Looking at Other Franchises to Remake?

Capcom Possibly Looking at Other Franchises to Remake?


Call it a “well, DUH!” moment by Capcom.

Given the response to the announcement (and worst-kept secret) of the Resident Evil 2 remake at this past year’s E3, and the company’s latest financial report, Capcom has started to give thought to other remakes and/or re-releases.

In response to an investor question about Resident Evil 2‘s expected sales and the potential for other remakes, Capcom said it anticipates Resident Evil 2 to be one of its major releases for this fiscal year, and for it to be in the “million-seller” range. “Further, regarding remakes and re-releases of titles in our back catalog, we expect to explore these further with a variety of properties as a part of our strategy to utilize our library of IP.”

When it came to the remake’s cost and its profits, Capcom responded saying that “we have made the most of our cutting-edge game development environment to re-create the content” and that they are “developing it with a budget appropriate for a Resident Evil title targeting the global market.”

Now of course this begs the obvious question of what Capcom plans to do, given its historical catalogue. Do we get a remake of Ghouls ‘N Ghosts? How about finally giving Dino Crisis fans some love? I mean, Jurassic Park has essentially reignited fans’ interest in dinosaurs, so that seems like a no-brainer. Hell, give us a new Darkstalkers game! On second thought, given that Darkstalkers Resurrection tanked, that might be a problem convincing investors.

Okay, what are your picks, folks?

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