Home Gaming After Appeal, ‘We Happy Few’ Will Release in Australia

After Appeal, ‘We Happy Few’ Will Release in Australia


Good news for those Aussies worried that they might not get the chance to play Compulsion Games’ We Happy Few. In an announcement on their website, Compulsion have revealed that their appeal of being denied classification by the Australian Classification Review Board has been successful.

As you might recall, the game was refused classification due to its drug use being so prevalent in the game, and it being an integral part of the gameplay. “After considering our appeal to get We Happy Few reviewed for classification, the Australian Classification Review Board has decided to allow the release of We Happy Few in Australia!” The game has been given a rating of R18+, with the explanation for the rating decision found here.

The decision states that “a three-member panel of the Classification Review Board has unanimously determined that the computer game We Happy Few is classified R 18+ (Restricted) with the consumer advice ‘Fantasy violence and interactive drug use’.” No word on if Compulsion have had to alter the game in any way to meet the rating, though it’s safe to say that the game will be the same for all regions, aka no changes.

We Happy Few is scheduled for release August 10, 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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