In the same year as Peeping Tom, Alfred Hitchcock released Psycho, introducing horror fans to the Bates Motel and the chilling events that occurred behind closed doors. Starring Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, John Gavin, and Martin Balsam, Psycho follows on-the-lam embezzler Marion Crane (Leigh) as she seeks refuge at the Bates Motel, meeting the shy proprietor Norman Bates (Perkins).
She goes missing, prompting her lover Sam Loomis (Gavin), her sister Lila (Miles), and private investigator Milton Arbogast (Balsam) to investigate her disappearance. POV shots are used to align audiences with Bates, most iconically in Psycho‘s shower scene, which has been replicated many times across popular culture.
The frenzied cuts, blood-curdling screams, and the final shot of blood and water circling the drain are burned into the brains of those who haven’t even seen the film thanks to their legacy.