Home Music TERRIFIER 3 World Premiere And More From Fantastic Fest Day One
TERRIFIER 3 World Premiere And More From Fantastic Fest Day One

TERRIFIER 3 World Premiere And More From Fantastic Fest Day One


Fantastic Fest day one, we’re off to a great start! An unsettling number of clowns and circus-inspired creeps were roaming the premises. Fitting, seeing that Terrifer 3 had its world premiere at the fest last night.

We kicked off Fantastic Fest 2024 on the red carpet with The Rule of Jenny PenNever Let Go, and Terrifier 3.  The most challenging thing about red carpet coverage is that somebody will be saying something incredibly interesting and insightful, but more often than not, you don’t get to go deeper or ask them follow-up questions. In a way it feels almost disrespectful, but in the name of respecting time, we gotta cut it short and pretend we don’t have a million more things to ask about the thoughtful thing just shared. Prime example: Geoffrey Rush stars in Jenny Pen, and our brief time with him on the red carpet only left us wanting so much more. Director James Ashcroft spoke so highly of his cast (and horror as a genre, thank you very much).

Photo Credit: Wes Ellis

Never Let Go co-writer Ryan Grassby didn’t fancy his story as a dark fairytale until it found its way into the hands of Alexandre Aja. The fact that Aja’s take on The Hills Have Eyes is one of Halle Berry’s favorite movies is a fact I will always cherish in my dark little heart. Oscar winner. Bond girl. Horror fan. I’m paraphrasing here (you’ll get to see the full interview soon and get it verbatim) but Berry aptly claims, of course a Bond girl is going to be a horror fan! Lots more Never Let Go coverage coming your way in FANGORIA #25.

Photo Credit: Wes Ellis

Speaking of the new issue… we dropped our Terrifier 3 cover yesterday. And then we hit the red carpet with the massive Terrifier gang. Damien Leone, David Howard Thornton, Lauren LaVera, Samantha Scaffidi, Chris Jericho, Krsy Fox, and company descended upon the Alamo as a gaggle of Art the Clown fans converged outside.

Photo Credit: Wes Ellis

This was my first time meeting LaVera in person, and can confirm she is every bit as delightful as one could hope. I know I say this frequently, but it’s because it’s true — the best part of my job is cheering on folks doing cool shit. That kicks into an extra level when it happens to be a close friend. Over the last few years, Krsy Fox has become one of my closest friends, and I was so excited to cheer her on as she faced off against Art the Clown. (I’ll be cheering her on for two Fantastic Fest features. Watch for Spider One’s Little Bites playing at the fest on Sunday.)

Ice Nine Kills did a song and a special Terrifier-inspired music video premiering after the screening, so we also got to chat with Spencer Charnas on the red carpet (did you all peep that special edition mini Fango made exclusively for Silver Scream Con?).

After a whirlwind red carpet, it was time for the movies to kick off. And the opening night party, featuring Mac Sabbath – a hard metal parody band whose members happen to be dressed as the iconic McDonald’s characters. Trays of McDonald’s hamburgers were being passed around the Highball, piled high atop silver platters. We’re handing out prizes for anyone who can correctly guess how many were consumed by each member of Fango.

Photo Credit: Jack Plunkett

In a day like this, one day feels like three days, in the best possible way. When I think back to yesterday morning, it feels that those events happened a week ago, at least. The Terrifier 3 late-night screening feels like a night unto itself.  An event. As the lights dimmed, none of us had any idea what was in store. On the red carpet, Damien Leone gave me a wicked little grin when I asked how he could possibly top the “featured” kills of his last two entries. Thornton and LaVera added sly little smirks to punctuate it, so I knew we were in for some shit. But I could not have predicted this shit. 

Terrifier fans are going to be rabid for this latest installment. I think it’s safe to say this is the most fun I’ve had watching a Terrifier movie. Barbara Crampton’s delighted reactions next to me let me know I wasn’t alone in the sentiment. And after a particularly brutal moment, Thornton thrust his fists in the air, silently cheering in the most Art the Clown fashion imaginable. That very reaction right there, the glee and the delight, the fun — this whole movie feels like everyone involved was enjoying themselves to that extent across the board.

But I won’t spoil anything for you. After the movie, we were treated to the premiere of the new Ice Nine Kills music video “A Work of Art” which fans will undoubtedly have lots of fun with. In the post-screening Q&A Leone confessed that they were making tweaks to the movie earlier in the morning, getting it ready to screen for the festival. “If this was paint, it would be wet,” he quipped. Followed by “I think it’s the best thing we’ve ever done.” I’d have to agree. 

“Yes, there will be a TERRIFIER 4.”

And the big news of the night — Leone also confirmed, “Yes, there will be a Terrifier 4.”  Terrifier fans will be thrilled to see what Thornton describes as his “evil Mr. Bean” returning for more. Bonus: Fango Creative Director Jason Kauzlarich is a wizard and managed to secure a proof of the latest issue to share with the Terrifier gang in person. Hot off the presses for a film fresh out of the edit bay. One of the most enjoyable bits of this gig made up of so many enjoyable bits is getting to see Jason and Phil place a freshly baked mag into the hands of the folks responsible for the issue’s cover. It never disappoints.

FANGORIA EIC Phil Nobile Jr. and FANGORIA #25 cover boy David Howard Thornton (aka Art the Clown)

We got home at nearly 4 am before heading out for early morning interviews, and I am frantically typing this up before my screening, so forgive me if it’s a little foggy. We are running full speed ahead and are so excited to share the full red carpet and sit-down interviews with you! Stay tuned for more Fantastic Fest coverage right here and across FANGORIA socials.

(If you’re not subscribed to the Terror Teletype, you’re missing out. Phil’s Monstrous Musings this week struck a deep chord within me. Something that I have privately discussed and something so many others will be grappling with for the rest of this year’s fest and every Fantastic Fest to come after. For so many, Fantastic Fest is synonymous with Scott Wampler. And the absence is felt… massively is far too small a word. But read Phil’s Teletype in your email inbox this week for a beautiful articulation of simultaneously missing and celebrating a friend. We love you, Scott.)

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