Home Gaming Modder Recreates ‘DOOM: The Dark Ages’ Saw Shield for Original ‘Doom’
Modder Recreates ‘DOOM: The Dark Ages’ Saw Shield for Original ‘Doom’

Modder Recreates ‘DOOM: The Dark Ages’ Saw Shield for Original ‘Doom’


There’s lots of things to be excited about for DOOM: The Dark Ages next year, one of which is the ridiculously-awesome weapons like the saw shield at your disposal. In fact, one modder saw fit to take one the weapons shown in the trailer and bring it over to classic Doom.

Per IGN, modder Craneo has recreated The Dark Ages‘ saw shield in Doom, with the wad file readily available. It’s not just a straight graphical swap for the chainsaw, either. The saw shield will actually function as a shield, blocking enemy attacks. You can also throw it to dish out long-range punishment, though you’ll have to go pick it back up to use it again.

In order to make use of the saw shield’s blocking and throw abilities, you’ll need to do a bit of tweaking in the ZDoom sourceport options.

The prequel to DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal, DOOM: The Dark Ages is currently in development for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and the PC via Steam. It’ll also be available on Xbox Game Pass.



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