Home Music The 23 Best Horror Movies Streaming This Month
The 23 Best Horror Movies Streaming This Month

The 23 Best Horror Movies Streaming This Month


Every year, I am baffled as to why this brilliant horror-comedy zombie musical does not have a more rabid following. This means I’m ecstatic to show it some love outside of the holiday season to get a jump on this year’s “Anna and the Apocalypse is Awesome” campaign.

It’s picked up steam in recent years, but inexplicably does not seem to have taken its rightful place among holiday horror giants as a household seasonal staple. It deserves to be. If you’ve been putting this one off,  sit down with it this month, when there aren’t dozens of other holiday horrors competing for your love. It’s heartfelt and clever and likely the only place you’ll encounter a festive snowman zombie as Anna and her friends fight, slash, and sing their way to survival, facing the undead in a desperate race to reach their loved ones.

And if you need more convincing, this is an actual line from arguably the catchiest tune in a solid lineup of bangers, “When it comes to killin’ zombies, I’m the top of my class. While you’ve been hidin’, I’ve been kickin’ some ass.”

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