Home Music THE BOULET BROTHERS’ DRAGULA Season 5 Monsters On Their Victory Lap Tour
THE BOULET BROTHERS’ DRAGULA Season 5 Monsters On Their Victory Lap Tour

THE BOULET BROTHERS’ DRAGULA Season 5 Monsters On Their Victory Lap Tour


As The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula season 5 supermonsters prepare to embark upon their Dragula live tour, they popped in to chat with FANGORIA about what’s in store as they head across the country.

With the tour kicking off in about a month, I was curious to know how much prep the monsters have done and how that compares to prepping for a season of the Dragula TV show. When I asked whether they had been rehearsing, Blackberri laughs: “I wish I started rehearsing. I’ve had my ideas kind of planned out, so now I’m in the production phase of getting those ideas into actual things. 

“On the show, you have to make whatever your drag is fit the challenge. I think the glory of being on a tour is you get to showcase what you want to do and your complete full vision of an idea, and I think that’s really exciting.”

Orgotik tackles planning by approaching it one gig at a time: “I basically started to think about the tour once I realized that I didn’t have any new gigs on the way. Because for me, it’s impossible to think about everything I’m going to do. I have to think about my gig for the weekend, and do it that way. 

“I’m in Mexico City and am going to try to get there a couple of weeks before to build a lot that I want to use. It’s impossible for me to figure out how to pack it and get it to the United States because that’s the most challenging thing about creating big garments or prosthetics.”

Throb’s ideas have been gestating since season 5: “I was thinking about it while we were filming, to be honest with y’all. There’s so much you don’t get to see on the show in terms of our presence, and I’ve said it before, the energy that happens with live performance, it just can’t be shown, in my opinion, through television. It’s just completely different. It’s everyone having this shared moment as it happens in real-time that can’t be replaced.

“I’ve been excited to use this platform to do this tour specifically. I’ve been going to the Dragula tour for years. I could only afford the seat way in the back and the idea that I am lucky enough to be on the tour and there might be another person in the back row with big dreams. I’m performing for that person. So I’ve been thinking about this for a very long time.”

Niohuru X is finalizing song choices, but it’s coming together: “I’m actually, a little stressed about it. I still haven’t figured out what song I will be performing. I’m still working on it, but ultimately I’m super excited. I’m planning to have a special guest on stage for some of the tour dates, I feel like that would be really fun. I’m just going to focus on having fun and having an amazing trip around North America.”

When it comes to packing, I am curious to know how many suitcases it would take just to fit some of the shoes for one single look, let alone entire outfits, prosthetics, wigs, props, and accessories.

Throb has the benefit of using smaller head pieces: “I use natural hair for some of my routines that are more dancey because I do headstands and things like that, so I get the excuse of not having to necessarily pack big head gear.”

Orkgotik avoids the hassle by not using wigs at all: “I wouldn’t have any idea how to pack a wig. That sounds so difficult. I mean, the bigger ones, like the Motherl Hubbard ones are fucking huge, how does it work? How do you pack that?”

Throb offers up, “Bubble wrap.” Blackberri adds some insight into packing smart: “I think that’s the challenge that I’m having, thinking ahead of what’s going to travel the best and also since this is going to be a multi-city tour – packing smart. A lot of my looks are going to either have elements that can be used for other parts of costumes. Multiple pairs of shoes that work with other things or costumes that may not utilize wigs or things that are foldable. But I mean, I did it on the show. I don’t know how I got all that stuff there. Plus, I’m a big girl, and I don’t know how I got all that big stuff there, but it got there!”

When it comes to fears about the upcoming tour, it’s more about excitement for the cast. But there are, of course, some nerves at play. Throb’s main concern is using the body as a performance tool: “I have a pretty long dance background, and unfortunately, that’s led to a lot of injuries and body problems that I try to stay on top of and work with. 

“There’s always that worry that if it’s a day where those things flare up, it’s difficult. But I think that’s part of preparing when your body is a big part of what you do for work, which is just maintaining that machine and making sure it’s going to run efficiently. I think a lot of people shy away from live performance because of things like physical difficulties and things like that. And yeah, it’s a challenge worth rising against as long as you take care of yourself. So it’s going to be great.”

Blackberri’s concerns partially center on the sleeping arrangements: “I think the only fears that I have are A) I snore, so they’re going to have to deal with that on tour now. But honestly, I feel like a lot of the fans aren’t the biggest fans of the big girls or the queens of color, so I’m hoping that people will just come out and support everyone. I feel like this is the victory lap for all our hard work. I want everyone to come out and support everyone for all the hard work that we did on the show.”

Orkgotik is more go with the flow: “I don’t get too anxious about it. I just let myself flow with everything. If I make it to the United States safe, that’s going to be perfect. When I was preparing for the show, I was not even worried about the showI was worried about getting to the United States safely with all my stuff, passing through immigration and all of that.

“If I’m honest, that’s always my fear but we’re probably going to be on a bus and all of that, going to one place and the other, which is such a relief because I’ve been getting myself into all these places for the last five months. I feel super chill. just need to have a couple of dates to create something that I feel inspired by, and it’s going to be cute.”

Niohuru X uses the pressure to her advantage: “I feel like with pressure, I come more with motivation. I’m so excited to be back on stage with these amazing artists. We get to travel the whole United States, and it’s going to be the first time I am planning out the whole experience for the audience. It’s something I’ve never done before, but I’m super optimistic. I’ll be putting in a lot of work, I can’t wait for people to see it, it’s going to be an amazing summer.”

Hearing the contestants’ excitement about their upcoming tour, I couldn’t help but imagine a televised peek at their adventures around the countryRoad Rules style way to bring the audience along on the adventure.

Blackberri can picture it: “Stopping at small gas stations in middle America…” as Throb adds, “Spraying down our costumes.” Read on for more with The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula Season 5 cast below.

Do each of you have a favorite moment from your season?

BlackberriI think my favorite moment was when Fantasia and I were talking about her journey. I think that’s one of my top favorites, it was a really touching moment. Also, all of the liquor that we had in the Cauldrons. I think that was also my favorite part.

Throb Zombie: It’s not fair for your audience, but I can only say all my favorite moments were not caught on camera, which is a little sad to sayBut I think for what’s shared on screen, I really liked my moments with Nio. I think they were very cute and I adore her so much. Tthe hat was really fun because one of the best things about the experience was you go into something like this, and you don’t know as a king if you’re welcome or tolerated or celebrated, you never know. 

The entire cast was so validating to the kings being there with the queens. Everyone was very equal and mutually respected. The fact that Nio wanted to play with masculinity and trusted me to give her some tips was just really lovely because I think she’s an amazing person. So that was a really nice moment.

Orkgotik: I think I celebrate a lot. The final showdown when we were able to convey the tenants of Dragula in our own perspective and also the opportunity to convey something about ourselves that we weren’t able to do before, talking about our background and our stories. That was so powerful, and a lot of people talked to me about how powerful they felt that episode waswe were talking about ourselves and showcasing our full potential, and I think people felt really inspired by every single one of us.

Niohuru X: Looking back, every second we got to spend together filming season five is going to be moments I’m going to cherish for the rest of my life. I remember moments when we sat down by the pool unwinding and helping each other get to stage, feeding each other a vapewhile painfully waiting, patting each other’s backs. Now I’m looking back at it, we truly formed a very sweet chosen family, and I’m so blessed to be part of this beautiful universe.

Blackberri: When I got the opportunity to do the show, I knew that I wasn’t a stereotypical Dragula contestant. I think signing up to do it was my chance to open the door for people who are doing my style of drag or come from my background of drag. I think people underestimated me because it wasn’t what they expected, but I hope that in the future there are no expectations for contestants and that everyone just appreciates the art and what they bring to the challenges. 

Which monster from any other season would you most like to tour with?

Throb Zombie: I’ve never gotten to know her in person, but I think Evah Destruction is one of the best performers I’ve ever seen live in my life. So to be on stage for a tour with Evah would just be amazing as someone who thinks so highly of her art. And just for the sake of camaraderie, I’d love to tour with Jarvis. We already toured together as the two dead boys. He’s so professional. He’s such a master of his craft, he’s such a sweetie pie muffin, and I love him so much.

Blackberri: I’m such a Meatball fan. We’ve gotten to work together before, and I think that their drag is very inspiring. I think we’re very similar in a lot of ways. I love Sigourney, she’s one of my favorite people of all timeWe’ve worked together many times, I appreciate her and I love her so much. And Ursula Major, she’s my bearded sister.

Orkgotik: I would really love to share a lineup with Abhora. I got the opportunity to live with her in Los Angeles for two months, and every time that I was completely free, I was like, “Abora, take me to your gig, please. To see her perform a bunch of times and see how reckless and how dangerous her acts are, she’s still exploring with her makeup and performance style in a way that I don’t usually see in people after their run on the show, I guess. I’m so inspired by her and I think it would be such a great show, both of our energies.

Niohuru X: I’m super excited to tour with HoSo Terra Toma. We are both from a foreign countrywe both have an Asian background. Our drag is very inspired by our culture, and we are both cunt. We’re both pretty. We’re both hot. 

How has making the top four impacted your career and your life?

Orkgotik: Oh, it has been a complete change in my journey because I’ve been living in the same place for a long time. I don’t travel at all. I don’t explore. When I did the show, it was a huge thing to do, a huge challenge. It was a lot for me. But now I’m doing more challenging things, traveling all around countries, taking care of myself during that journey, and realizing that I have to be aware of everything and the people I’m surrounded by. 

It was really challenging, but I feel super lucky that I was able to. Since the show, people invite me to different places and trust me. The thing is that people get to realize different sides of your personality and that opens the doors.

Niohuru X: This experience gave me so much confidence and I have more faith in myself in every aspect of my life. There was such a huge, huge, huge fear of putting myself out there and stepping out of my comfort zone. Now feel like if I can conquer this mission, I can conquer other demons in my life, too. And I think that’s such a beautiful thing. I’m so excited to see what the universe has planned for me and where the universe takes me.

Throb: It’s opened a lot of very exciting doors that I never would’ve thought would’ve been options for me and my art. It’s the first time in my life I’ve been able to live just making art instead of working multiple jobs. Being able to put my energy, time, and focus not into sustaining Throb but into turning him into something I never thought he could grow into has been really exciting.

There are a lot of new projects and a lot of exciting new partnerships happening. It’s really given me a lot of confidence that I’m doing what I want to do with my life. And just meeting the fans and other artists has been such a blessing and such an encouragement to keep being a freaky little sexy weirdo. I’m very excited to see what’s coming next because it’s very much the beginning of a journey and not the end of it.

BlackberriI think the show was very validating. I’ve been performing for a long time, and think that doing the show gave me an opportunity to travel and meet people that I would’ve never had the chance to meet. Hearing people say that doing the show was inspiring, that’s something that I’ll never forget, and it’s something that I really appreciate. really just am so grateful for all the opportunities the show has given me so far. It’s really one of those things that you’ve kind of done it. You did it, you deserve it, and now it’s like a victory lap. Just go out there and explore and enjoy the fruits of all your labor.

Give me one horror movie to describe your drag style.

Throb Zombie: Scream. I’m bringing a Ghostface thing. Very horny. I’m very excited.

Blackberri: One horror movie? I don’t know, that’s hard! Probably Jennifer’s Body. I think it’s very witty, cute, campy, but also creepy. That’s probably the best of my humor in that movie. Actually Tokyo Gore PoliceThat’s probably peak BlackberriTokyo Gore Police. There are so many options, but I think that’s the number one that would be like, “Yep. That’s weird, like her.”

Niohuru X: Did you get all your murder weapons from Home Depot? That is so bold of you. I think my drag persona is very inspired by the Chinese horror film, Painted Skin. It has a very deep place in my heart, and I’m still very inspired by the movie to this day.

Orkgotik: I think I’m super inspired by a film called The Wolf HouseIt’s a Chilean film and mostly because it’s stop-motion and really disturbing, but it has a lot of heart because it’s made in a really unconventional way. It doesn’t try to be perfect. It tries to emulate feelings and the story. It’s disturbing, but it has a lot of heart, and I think it fits me narratively.

What’s your Final Girl kill song?

Blackberri: Girls Generation – “Gee”

Orgotik: Anna von Hausswolff – “The Mysterious Vanishing of Electra”

Throb Zombie: Linkin Park – “One Step Closer”

Niohuru X: Taylor Swift – “…Ready For It?”

What can fans expect to see from you on this tour?

Blackberri: The fans can expect some top-tier looks and shows with something for everyone! You will not be disappointed.

Orgotik: A cosmic celebration of lust and horror. Like I have no mouth and I must get facefucked. 

Throb Zombie: Seeing drag through a TV lens is a good appetizer for the entertainment value drag has to offer. Fans should show up to the tour prepared with a main course-worthy appetite.

Niohuru X: Fresh off-the-boat cuntiness, ultimate demonic femininity, Chinese pussy squirts that taste like soy sauce, and also some art.


FANGORIA is giving away tickets to see Dragula Live! Click here and enter for your chance to win. And you can purchase your tickets for The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula Season 5 Tour right here.

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