Home Movies Mini Monster Movie ‘Hospital Dumpster Divers’ Promises a “Practical Effects Gore Feast” [Trailer]

Mini Monster Movie ‘Hospital Dumpster Divers’ Promises a “Practical Effects Gore Feast” [Trailer]


If you’re the kind of horror fan who often finds yourself in the mood for silly monster movie mayhem, filmmaker Anders Elsrud Hultgreen looks to have you covered with his upcoming Hospital Dumpster Divers, a short film that just unleashed its “Yellow Band” trailer.

What is a “Yellow Band” trailer, you ask? Well, it jokingly signifies that the preview has been approved “for trash audiences only,” which should give you a good idea of what you’re getting from this one. Hospital Dumpster Divers promises “a bat shit crazy medical waste themed mini-monster splatter melted together as a practical special effects gore feast.”

In the film…

“Chaos breaks out at the hospital when a mutant dumpster troll is accidentally brought to life, as a result of shoddy waste management, by the shuffle dancing young man Rasmus.”

The short is coming soon. While you wait, find the gross-out trailer below.

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