Home Gaming Red Candle Games’ ‘Devotion’ is Back For Sale, Just Not on Steam

Red Candle Games’ ‘Devotion’ is Back For Sale, Just Not on Steam


Remember the controversy surrounding Red Candle Games’ Devotion, and how the game was taken off Steam? Despite the game now being preserved by Harvard University’s library, you still can’t actually buy it. Until now, that is.

Starting today, and available until June 15, Devotion will be released in a physical version for PC in limited quantities. The game is also only limited to the Taiwan region only, and not for overseas. If you do live in Taiwan, you can order the game from Red Candle’s official site.

Red Candle Games acknowledges that this limited sales option isn’t going to satisfy every gamer who wants to play it, but they are continuing to explore other possibilities. Devotion will be available in two versions: A version that includes the game, storybook, bookmark and stickers, and a version that includes that plus the game’s soundtrack.

Meanwhile, you can still purchase Red Candle Games’ precursor to Devotion, Detention on Steam.

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