Home Gaming ‘Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath’ Finally Heads to Nintendo Switch January 2020

‘Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath’ Finally Heads to Nintendo Switch January 2020


While we await the return of Abe in Oddworld: Soulstorm next year, Nintendo Switch fans will finally be getting their chance to play the previous entry in the series. Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD will launch via the Nintendo eShop in January 2020, developer Oddworld Inhabitants announced.

The game, which first launched for Xbox in January 2005, was announced for the Switch back in September 2018.

The story for Stranger’s Wrath concerns the undeveloped wastelands of Western Mudos. Stranger, a tall, dark and enigmatic bounty hunter is on a mission to capture troublemakers and scoundrels and return them to civilized townships for incarceration. But Stranger is keeping a secret, and needs expensive surgery to survive. In his quest to earn enough Moolah, Stranger reluctantly accepts the ultimate bounty from the owner of the Mongo River, which causes his adventure to take a very different turn.

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