Home Movies [31 Days of Halloween] Day Twenty-Seven: Fede Alvarez’s Visceral ‘Evil Dead’

[31 Days of Halloween] Day Twenty-Seven: Fede Alvarez’s Visceral ‘Evil Dead’


It’s the Sunday before Halloween, which means it’s time to really ramp up the horror. These final few days leading up to the big day will be dedicated to the films that really deliver in terms of scares and bloodshed in our 31 Days of Halloween celebration. With Fede Alvarez’s feature debut, you get both in spades. So much gruesome gore and a torrential downpour of blood. This style of visceral horror feels appropriate not just to kickstart the workweek, but to set the tone for Halloween week.

Synopsis: Five friends gather at a remote cabin to help one of their own break a harmful drug addiction once and for all. When one of them discovers and reads from the Book of the Dead, they unwittingly summon demons lurking in the nearby woods. Demons that leaves the group fighting for their lives and souls as the demons claim them one by one.

Key Players: Jane Levy stars as Mia, the drug addict with the dual role of villain and hero. Shiloh Fernandez plays her brother, David, and Elizabeth Blackmore is David’s girlfriend, Natalie. Lou Taylor Pucci is Eric, the friend that reads from the ill-fated book. Jessica Lucas is the pragmatic Olivia. Let’s just take a moment to look at these five friends’ names; or the first letter of their names, more specifically. Rearrange them. D-E-M-O-N. Very clever, Fede Alvarez and co-screenwriter Rodo Sayagues.

Why It’s on the List: As already mentioned, Evil Dead is an exhilarating experience in visceral, practical effect driven horror. It’s nihilistic, relentless, and oh so gory. Moreover, Alvarez and Sayagues preserve the memory of Sam Raimi’s 1981 original. So much so that it prompts debate over how to classify this. Is it a remake, reboot, or a sidequel? It’s so much fun, do we even care? Each one of these actors play characters that come with grueling physical demands. None come close to the difficulties Levy had to endure as Mia, nor has any character had an arch quite like hers. The partnership between Levy and Alvarez is pure magic, and we want more.

Carving up Dinner: In one twisted homage to Ash and his attempt to stop any further possession by removing his own hand, Natalie is also on the verge of succumbing to her demons. Good thing she was already in the process of preparing roast beef for dinner. Hooray electric carving knife to the rescue. And cue the loss of appetite for everyone.

Where You Can Watch: Evil Dead is available to stream on demand through internet TV app Fubo TV, to rent on digital, and on Blu-ray.

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