Home Gaming Bethesda Details Upcoming Enhancements to ‘Fallout 76’ in Latest Blog Post

Bethesda Details Upcoming Enhancements to ‘Fallout 76’ in Latest Blog Post


When we last left Bethesda’s Fallout 76, raids were being introduced into the game. And at E3, it was announced that the game would see another big update in the Wastelanders update (which is still yet to be released). Now, Bethesda has posted an update on just what they’re up to with Wastelanders, as well as beyond.

For starters, perk loadouts are coming in early 2020, along with a public test server. The latter will serve to make the updates less chaotic. The legendary system, initially planned for this year, has also been pushed back to 2020.

Multi-factor authentication and improvements to public events are both slated for this year, with further changes to public events due out early next year. Bethesda’s also exploring the possibility of having PC text chat. The option to rejoin a server when kicked or dropped might also appear in the future, but like with many of these additions, there’s no timeline for it.

But the update also focuses on Wastelanders. The expansion will include a new story quest, companions, branching dialogue, opposing factions and more. Again, no release date yet, but the expansion is expected later this year.

You can snag Fallout 76 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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