Home Gaming Ikumi Nakamura Shares Some Small Details About ‘Ghostwire Tokyo’ and its Futuristic Rapture

Ikumi Nakamura Shares Some Small Details About ‘Ghostwire Tokyo’ and its Futuristic Rapture


Kirk Cameron: eat your heart (or sad birthday Subway) out. There’s a new rapture in town!

E3 2019 breakout star Ikumi Nakamura confirmed on Sunday what many had already suspected. Ghostwire Tokyo, the next game from The Evil Within 2 developer, Tango Gameworks, debuted with an exciting CG trailer in June, which depicted some of the denizens of Tokyo disappearing from public places, leaving empty clothes, high heels, briefcases, other people and adorable, lonely doggos behind.

In a tweet, Nakamura, who is the game’s creative director, stated that Ghostwire Tokyo would feature a “Raptured Apocalypse + Near Future Tokyo + Supernatural.” Further, she teased, “Is this? ‘Normal’ or ‘Paranormal?’”

That last bit is cryptic, but the formula she spells out above seems fairly straightforward. Something spoooky is happening in a more-cyberpunk-than-it’s-already-perceived Tokyo and people are disappearing in droves. The trailer’s slogan-y last line —”Don’t fear the unknown. Attack it.” —suggests that players will be fighting back against whatever is causing this “Raptured Apocalypse.” 

So, if Ghostwire Tokyo’s rapture is anything like the rapture anticipated by dispensationalist evangelicals, that could mean the game will end with the player fighting God? Which would also mean that Ghostwire Tokyo is, by definition, a JRPG. Sorry horror fans! Tango Gameworks is making a Final Fantasy now!

Jokes aside, Ghostwire Tokyo was one of the most exciting new IPs introduced at this year’s E3. And if Tango Gameworks is cooking up Cyberpunk Left Behind, I, for one, am here for it.

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