Home Gaming ‘The 7th Guest’ Fan Game ‘The 13th Doll’ is Set For an October Release

‘The 7th Guest’ Fan Game ‘The 13th Doll’ is Set For an October Release


Attic Door Productions took to its Kickstarter page for The 13th Doll to announce development is almost finished on the game, a fanmade sequel of the cult classic The 7th Guest, and will release in October, just in time for the most spooky time of the year.

The developer went over a few of the changes it had made since its last update, and noted an Early Access version for backers is not far off. The game also now has a Steam page.

”Apologies again for another big gap between updates – can’t believe where the time goes!  On a positive note tho, we have fantastic news – FINALLY, after years of hard work, we’re confident that the game will be finished by the end of the month!  It’s been a long time coming, and we can’t wait to finish the game and see what you think!

On the good cop, bad cop side, well, we think we need at least a few months to properly market the game and do a more robust round of testing and debugging, so the official launch date will be some time in October, just in time for Halloween – as several of you predicted ;)”

The update includes collectibles, better animation, and an overhaul to the WonderWorld Toy Store.

First released in 1992, The 7th Guest was a pioneering FMV PC horror game set in a haunted mansion. It’s super cheesy and looks pretty ropey by modern standards, sand The 13th Doll looks to capture the charm in that whilst modernizing the visuals and mechanics. It even features the return of The 7th Guest‘s Robert Hirschboek as Henry Stauf.

The 13th Doll ties in with the events of The 7th Guest. A decade after Tad managed to escape the mansion, he is still haunted by the souls, dolls, and Stauf’s victims he left behind. So haunted, in fact, that the young man now resides in a mental institution – misunderstood, plagued by guilt and obsessed with one idea: to escape the dreary padded walls of his asylum cell, return to the mansion – the site of his innermost fears – to rescue those he left behind and defeat Stauf once and for all!

You can find out more over on the Kickstarter page, and also pre-order the game there too.


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