Home Gaming Code Points to ‘Read Dead Redemption 2’ Heading to PC?

Code Points to ‘Read Dead Redemption 2’ Heading to PC?


Once again, as Brian Glover said in Alien 3, this is Rumour Control. Rockstar’s megahit Red Dead Redemption 2 has been rumoured to be headed to PC for a while now.

In spite of Rockstar being tight-lipped about the possible port, when you have former employees with the game listed on their LinkedIn pages, not to mention that parent company Take Two Interactive’s CEO stating that there would be “no downside” to having the port, there’s enough for the tinfoil hat groups to start mumuring.

And now, according to The Nerd Mag, there’s another clue that Rockstar has been working on a PC port of RDR2. In the source code of the Rockstar Social Club, there’s a line of code referring to “RDR2_PC_Accomplishments”, with a list of achievements. A Twitter user was able to screengrab the code, lest Rockstar do a bit of cleaning.

Social Club is Rockstar’s official application that keeps track of player progress, including their achievements, friends and so on. The mention of a PC version of RDR2 in the source code of this application does lend credence to previous leaks, but until Rockstar says something, it can all be taken with a grain of salt.

Read Dead Redemption 2 is currently out on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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