Home Gaming ‘Man of Medan’ Release Date Leaked by Target?

‘Man of Medan’ Release Date Leaked by Target?


For those expecting Walmart.ca to leak another release date, you’re out of luck. It’s Target’s turn this time, though as with any of these, take it with that usual pound of salt.

According to a listing on Target’s website (that’s now been pulled) for Supermassive’s first entry in their Dark Pictures Anthology, Man of Medan, the release date was listed for August 30th, via a pre-ordering purchase transaction. Twitter user Wario64 managed to grab a screenshot for the listing before Target realized they had goofed.

Now obviously, this might not actually be the release date, and that Target took it down because of an error. But, if by chance that it was the date, then you’d better save your pennies for August. Supermassive will no doubt have more info at E3 next month, where they’ll probably announce the release date for Man of Medan.

Man of Medan will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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