Home Movies Rob Zombie Shares New Shot of Captain Spaulding and Says ‘Three from Hell’ Trailer is Coming Soon

Rob Zombie Shares New Shot of Captain Spaulding and Says ‘Three from Hell’ Trailer is Coming Soon


Rob Zombie has finally completed Three from Hell, a 14-years-later sequel to The Devil’s Rejects that will (somehow) bring the Firefly family back to the screen. Zombie is expecting an “early fall” release for his latest film, which has just been given an “R” rating by the MPAA for “strong sadistic violence, language throughout, sexual content, graphic nudity, and drug use.”

So that must mean a trailer is coming soon, yeah? Zombie himself shares a little update on the hotly-anticipated film today, noting that a trailer is indeed on its way very soon:

“As you now may have heard we finally received our R Rating. This was a very long process and threw us a couple months behind schedule. It’s a drag to be sure, but that the way it goes.”

“Anyway that is the reason you haven’t seen a trailer yet. We are currently working on a trailer and hope to get it out in the world ASAP.”

Zombie’s Facebook post continues…

“I know it seems like you’ve been waiting forever, well I’ve been working on this film everyday for the last two years so trust me I know how you feel. Actually my first conversations with Lionsgate about doing this movie began over three years ago.”

“It’s been a long and wild ride but it’s all been worth it. I’m sure you will agree once you get to see 3 From Hell in all it’s bloody glory splashed across the big screen.”

“Hang in there.”

While you wait, check out a new shot of Sid Haig as Captain Spaulding below!

In addition to the returning Sheri Moon Zombie, Bill Moseley and Sid Haig, the cast also includes Danny TrejoKevin Jackson, Wade Williams, Jeff Daniel PhillipsClint Howard, Pancho Moler, Emilio Rivera, Daniel Roebuck, David Ury, Sean Whalen, Austin Stoker, Dee Wallace, Richard Brake, Bill Oberst Jr., Richard Riehle, Dot-Marie Jones and Tom Papa.

Barry Bostwick and Chaz Bono have both been confirmed for cameos.

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