Home Gaming Early ‘Days Gone’ Reviews Are Out, DLC Announced For June

Early ‘Days Gone’ Reviews Are Out, DLC Announced For June


While Days Gone is officially out tomorrow (April 26th) for PlayStation 4, for those still on the fence about whether to pick the game up, early reviews for the title suggest that you might try before you buy.

While early reviews from outlets like IGN, Gamespot and The Verge praise the game for its visuals, Days Gone also unfortunately devolves into repetition within the same lush world. The story is also cause for concern, referred to as “meandering” and lacking interesting situations. Worse still is that the game’s protagonist, Deacon St. John, lacks proper development.

Of course, these are all just opinions, but it doesn’t exactly give a glowing overall look of the game, which is really unfortunate.

In addition to the early reviews, Bend Studio have announced via PlayStation Blog that the game will be receiving free DLC this June, which not only brings a new difficulty mode to the game, but also weekly challenges.

The DLC brings Survival difficulty mode into the game that “tests players by daring them to beat the story with increased difficulty settings, no player perks like Fast Travel or survival vision, and an immersive HUD that removes maps and indicators from the gameplay screen.” The difficulty is meant to further immerse the players into the game, as well as crank up the tension just a little more.

As for those weekly challenges, beginning in June, a new Bike, Horde, or Combat challenge will be introduced that take key gameplay features of Days Gone, and “twists them in unique ways” for players to earn additional items and rewards. More on these challenges will be revealed in the future.

Days Gone is out April 26th.

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