Home Gaming Players Choose Leon Over Claire During First Play of ‘Resident Evil 2’, According to Global Stats

Players Choose Leon Over Claire During First Play of ‘Resident Evil 2’, According to Global Stats


So, Harrison posed the question of which character’s campaign Resident Evil 2 players preferred. And while that’s obviously subjective, the recent global stats for the game reveal a bit more objective findings.

For starters 80% of first-time players choose Leon over Claire. The site also breaks down the cumulative amount of time players have spent playing the game, with over 6100 years spent so far. Players have also walked/ran over 147 million kilometers in the game, and have killed over 615 million enemies.

There are also some weird stats, such as the amount of people that have stared at the mayor’s daughter’s body, or the weighted amount of items that have been discarded by players. There’s also a section that’s been locked on the site that players (once you register on Capcom’s site) can only access once they’ve “fulfilled the necessary conditions” in the game (which I obviously haven’t done).

It also makes you wonder if at a certain point, these stats will trigger a new free DLC to be released. Or, that could all just be me with my tinfoil hat.

Resident Evil 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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