Home Movies [Images] One Alternate Ending Filmed for ‘The Predator’ Featured the Arrival of… Ellen Ripley?!

[Images] One Alternate Ending Filmed for ‘The Predator’ Featured the Arrival of… Ellen Ripley?!


There’s been a lot of talk about alternate endings to The Predator, including one that would’ve brought back Arnold Schwarzenegger for a cameo and another that would’ve had *someone* emerge from the chamber at the very end wearing a Facehugger-like breathing apparatus, but the only ending we’ve actually seen is the one where Boyd Holbrook’s character is introduced to the “Predator Killer” suit. Sadly, there are no alternate endings included on the home video release, but that doesn’t mean other endings weren’t shot, it seems.

Hollywood artist Yuri Everson has just shared something *incredibly* interesting over on Instagram, indicating that THREE different endings for The Predator were not just conceived, but filmed by Black and company. And in one of them, he says, it was Ellen Ripley who emerged from the chamber at the end wearing the aforementioned breathing apparatus.

Yes, Ellen freakin’ Ripley.

Everson explains…

We shot 3 different endings for #ThePredator, all variations of a “Predator Killer”. This unused ending was Predator Killer Ripley wearing the breather mask we created for the film. You can see her name tag there on her costume. [Stuntwoman] Breanna Watkins played Ripley under the mask instead of Sigourney Weaver. The moving “fingers” and “tail” were deemed too facehugger-like on the day and were cut and removed by someone. Sorry @jon_k_miller who headed up making the breather mask for us @thestudioadi with @saratheterra, @ape5150, Zac Teller and Lord Garth but they made me do it! Michael Diner and his amazing Vancouver crew made the pod. All in no time flat.”

This is the first we’ve heard of an alternate final moment actually being shot, and the reveal that Ripley was at one point going to pop up at the end of The Predator is needless to say a massive bombshell. We don’t know how any of this would’ve made sense, but it suggests Fox was keen on creating a whole new shared universe for the Alien and Predator franchises.

More as we learn it!

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