Home Gaming John Carpenter Wants to Score a Video Game and That Needs to Happen Immediately

John Carpenter Wants to Score a Video Game and That Needs to Happen Immediately


Horror master John Carpenter makes no secret of the fact that he loves playing video games, and you can often find him tweeting about the latest games he’s been playing. Carpenter is also no stranger to being directly involved with games, as he scored 1998’s Sentinel Returns and also worked on F.E.A.R 3. So would he ever like to score another game, you ask?

In a lengthy chat with Consequence of Sound, who named him Composer of the Year, Carpenter just expressed his desire to do precisely that in the near future!

“I think there’s a part of me that’s dying to do a game score,” Carpenter told the site.

He continued, I’m just dying to do it, but I don’t think anybody will hire me. No one thinks about me to do music for games. That’d be great!

What the hell are you waiting for, game developers? Let’s make this happen!

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