Home Movies Planning Permission For Log Cabins – How to Avoid a Horror Story

Planning Permission For Log Cabins – How to Avoid a Horror Story


There has been a recent increase in horror stories about people literally throwing good money down the drain by not seeking planning permission before buying and erecting a Log Cabin in their garden.

The hidden small print tactics used by some websites offer no excuses to common sense and no Local Planning Department will listen to ignorance being an excuse. In the last two weeks at least four people have had to remove remove such buildings as planning permission was never bought and they have been left with a hefty price tag for not doing things the right way.

The rule is if you are going to do something, do it right and always check with your Local Planning Department first.

It is a common misconception that Log Cabins do not require planning permission and in fact most Cabins with any kind of veranda almost always do.

Planning Permission depends upon meeting certain criteria which I have outlined below.

1. The Log Cabin must be more than 2 meters from the boundary.
2. It must not exceed 4 meters in height for a dual pitched roof (Apex Style Roof), 3 meters in height for a single pitched roof (Lean-To Style Roof).
3. Any Veranda over 3 square meters requires permission
4. Any decked area over 300mm off the ground level requires permission.
5. A Log Cabin (Summerhouse) must not take up over 50% of your garden.
6. No kitchen can be fitted as this then becomes a dwelling and all dwellings require planning permission.
7. If the building is closer than 2 meters from the boundary then the Cabin must not exceed 2.5 meters in height.
8. Any building over 30 square meters and is used for accommodation (for example sleeping) must comply to Building Regulations. Single skin (not insulated) will not complain.
9. If you live in a Conservation Area or an area of ​​outstanding natural beauty such as the Norfolk Broads or a National Park will require planning permission.
10. If you own a Listed Building you will require planning permission to erect any building in the grounds.
11. The Log Cabin must be for the sole use of house occupants.

Planning Permission is a very important and lawful part of constructing any kind of home extension or building in your garden or being attached to your house. Becoming well informed about the way in which to approach planning permission can be extremely valuable when you speak to experts in their field.

If you are looking to use Log Cabins commercially in any way there will be planning permission issues and Building Regulations to comply with. Log Cabins as homes are growing in popularity and there is already evidence of Log Chalet style villas becoming permitted development in certain areas of the UK.

The best advice before ordering your Log Cabin off the internet is to check with your Local Planning Department first.

Source by Pete Cossie