Home Movies Five Really Disturbing Horror Movies You've Probably Never Even Heard Of

Five Really Disturbing Horror Movies You've Probably Never Even Heard Of


I love horror movies. Most of the time, people who love horror movies, really love horror movies. So, when I'm picking out a movie, my sites are for the gore. For a disturbing story that will have me cringing from the torture scenes all the way until the hot girl gets away (or figures figure out how to kill the villain).

Horror is a great genre. It's so predictable, but you just have to keep watching. While it's easy to stereotype and give it a bad rap, there are some really good horror movies. Some may disagree, but us horror fans know it. Just look at movies like The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, Halloween and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Everyone knows about these movies and loves to get scared by them.

But there is a group of movies that remain in the dark, mostly because that's where they can scare you the most. They wait until you find them, hidden in the confines of the video store, somewhere in the dollar bin, or maybe even browsing the net for a movie you have not seen … or heard of. If you want to be disturbed, and I mean really disturbed, check out these five disturbing movies you've probably never heard of:

1. Calvair (French for "The Ordeal", filmed in Belgiam)

2. High Tension (Another French horror film)

3. Audition (Japanese horror)

4. I Spit On Your Grave (70's horror)

5. Maniacs 2001

Be prepared to be utterly disturbed.

If you're worried you'll be too disturbed, you can stick to those boring, pithy scary movies you're used to. But I recommend you take a step outside the box.

Source by Ron Simpson