Home Movies Why People React Differently to Scary Movies

Why People React Differently to Scary Movies


The movie is about to reach its scariest moment, and you hear someone behind you laughing. Why is he trying to ruin the moment? It is possible that this person at the theater is simply trying to act tough or maybe he is a jerk. However, it may also have to do with his genes.

Scientists say different versions of the same gene linked to anxiety can explain the way in which some people are not affected, while others enjoy the suspense and the gore. These findings may explain why people have different reactions to horror films. While many scream and some even fault in cinemas at scenes of spinning heads and shaking beds, others simply laugh.

At the risk of getting too scientific, the 'COMT' gene affects a chemical in the brain that is linked to anxiety. People with two copies of one version of the gene are easily disturbed when watching unpleasing pictures. That version of the gene weakens the effect of a signaling chemical in the brain that helps control certain emotions.

The scientists found that those carrying two copies of it were more significantly started by wrinkling images than others. Those people with two copies of the latter gene were also able to control their anxiety more easily. Researchers in Germany made the discovery after testing 96 women.

So now that we know there is scientific evidence for some of those loud mouths at the cinema, what about the rest? The truth is there will always be a few boys trying to impress their counterparts and girlfriends by not acting scared. The easiest way to do this, they reason, is by laughing at the scariest moments. After all, if they are not making some sort of noise, then they just might be perceived as being as terrified as their date. What better way to communicate to his girl that he is not scared than laughing and making silly comments when everyone else is screaming out in fear?

For the rest of us, we enjoy enjoy every minute of the tension filled moments. The scariest time of the movie is time to grip the pillow tighter, or pull our partners closer. So what if someone else is trying to ruin it. We will not let them. After all, it may just be that their genes are to blame.

Source by Phillip Fogliani