Home Movies James Gunn to Write and Possibly Direct DC’s ‘Suicide Squad 2’!

James Gunn to Write and Possibly Direct DC’s ‘Suicide Squad 2’!


As much as I love Disney and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy films, I am beyond excited to read the news that Warner Bros. Pictures and DC have opened their arms to James Gunn, who is in talks to write and quite possibly direct Suicide Squad 2! The news comes via TheWrap who is currently updating their story as our we.

As most of us are aware, Gunn was fired from the third Guardians of the Galaxy, and even with the support of his cast was unable to retain his job. Warner Bros. and DC, who have been struggling to fix their own superhero universe, are on the right track now. With Zack Snyder out of the picture, and James Wan’s Aquaman (Dec. 14) and David F. Sandberg’s Shazam! (Apr. 5) both looking to reignite the universe, a fresh start is just what the doctor ordered. Warner and DC’s decision here is a needle-mover and can rechart the course of everything planned in the near future. While the David Ayer-directed Suicide Squad isn’t a good movie, it did birth several key players, including Margot Robbie’s massively popular Harley Quinn, as well as Jared Leto’s Joker,  Will Smith’s Deadshot, and Captain Boomerang and Killer Croc. Gunn’s comic sensibilities will lend well to this franchise, which needs an injection of life and more importantly fun.



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