Home Movies Nick Castle Tells Us Where You Can Spot Him as Michael Myers in the New ‘Halloween’

Nick Castle Tells Us Where You Can Spot Him as Michael Myers in the New ‘Halloween’


Nick Castle spoke with Bloody-Disgusting by phone to promote the upcoming 4K release of the original Halloween. We’ll bring you more about the original classic closer to its September 25 street date, but of course we also asked Castle about his cameo in the new 2018 Halloween. Interestingly, Castle told us that he recorded ALL the breathing sounds for The Shape in this year’s sequel to John Carpenter’s original classic!

“In the new one, if there’s any interest in comparisons, I do all the ADR breathing for The Shape even though I’m only in it in a cameo,” Castle said.

Castle also revealed to us that his only scene as Michael Myers in the new film is the first time Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) sees The Shape. For the rest of the film, he sort of passes the torch to the new Michael, James Jude Courtney. Fans will notice a classic Michael Myers move, letting you know it’s Castle behind the mask.

“I’m not sure this is done any other time in the movie, but the director asked me to tilt my head like one of the prominent things that fans remember in the first one,” Castle said. “When he kills the kid in the kitchen and kind of admires his work. Hopefully that’ll come through, especially to the fans of the first one.”

During our chat, Castle relayed what it was like to reunite with Jamie Lee Curtis on set…

“Being on the set the first day, as a matter of fact she noticed me walking across the place where we were shooting and yelled at me, ‘Castle!’ ran over, gave me a big hug and said, ‘Is this nuts or what?’ That’s how we addressed it in the crazy way that life works and the crazy way the motion picture business works, that’s for sure. Not in the deep philosophical, psychological sense [but] the weight of how ridiculous it is. 40 years later we’re still doing this work and it’s somewhat of a mystery to us how this has sustained its interest in the fans.”

Halloween opens October 19 after festival showings at TIFF and Fantastic Fest. The original Halloween is out on 4K September 25 and we’ll have more with Castle around that time.

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