Home Movies WORLD OF DEATH Ep. 184 – “Domestic Horror”

WORLD OF DEATH Ep. 184 – “Domestic Horror”


Ask anyone that’s taken the plunge and they’ll tell you…Marriage is fucking terrifying.

That’s exactly what’s at the core of writer/director Eli ThomasDomestic Horror. What starts off as a silly, self-aware Scream parody slowly turns into a wry commentary on the marriage-industrial complex and how on some level it kills us all. Leaning more towards comedy than horror, the horror in Domestic Horror is not caused by any costumed killer or monster mask, but in an exploration of what we see in Henry Hill’s eyes in those final moments of Goodfellas.

(Cue My Way by Sid Vicious.)

Domestic Horror is a stellar piece a filmmaking to boot. Beautifully shot and executed, no three paragraph write up of the film would be complete without praising both its score/sound design and Kyla Druckman‘s performance. You might remember Kyla from her turn as a production assistant on the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards.

And if you dug Domestic Horror (which by all rights you should) do yourself a solid and go down the YouTube rabbit hole to check out some of Eli Thomas’s other comedic takes on the horror genre via his channel Pizza for Breakfast. There’s a lot of really funny, really solid work here that shows Mr. Thomas loves his horror movies just as much as he loves making people laugh. Definitely, someone to keep an eye on.

– Pat O’Sullivan

World of Death is the web series that fans of independent horror have been waiting for.  Featuring short horror films from all over the globe created by the largest variety of talent that a collection has ever been able to boast, WOD provides plenty of blood, guts, screams and laughs for all fans of the macabre.  And with episodes averaging around eight minutes in length, WOD is the perfect entertainment for a fan base constantly on the go.  Watch it anywhere, at any time, for FREE! New episodes premiere every Wednesday at 10am CST.


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