Home Movies Horror – An In-Depth Review of the Classic Movie Psycho

Horror – An In-Depth Review of the Classic Movie Psycho


Psycho definitely deserves four out of four stars. First and foremost the way the movie is set up is fantastic. The first part of the movie he sets up a so called “main” character. We see her as she steals the $40,000 and is nervously running away. This is sets up a tension or belief that she will be caught with the money. There are numerous times where she was put in one of those situations, such as when the cop followed her and when her boss saw her leaving town. It sets up a real powerful mood and then out of no where she, the main character, is killed off! It was a real powerful 1-2 punch to the audience.

Psycho definitely deserves four out of four stars. First and foremost the way the movie is set up is fantastic. The first part of the movie he sets up a so called “main” character. We see her as she steals the $40,000 and is nervously running away. This is sets up a tension or belief that she will be caught with the money. There are numerous times where she was put in one of those situations, such as when the cop followed her and when her boss saw her leaving town. It sets up a real powerful mood and then out of no where she, the main character, is killed off! It was a real powerful 1-2 punch to the audience.

The shower scene solidified the face this movie deserves a 4 out 4. If we consider the year the movie was released, the times were very conservative. Psycho completely shattered the whole conservative violence idea. In the shower scene when Marion was being stabbed by the “old women” we hear the knife cutting through her flesh, it felt very realistic. Then we see Marion falling and ripping the shower curtain right off. Then we see all the blood running down the drain. The death was very powerful, it really sent a shiver down your spine and this was all done in a very conservative time period. Not only did it break the whole conservative violence idea but it broke it strongly and realistically.

The music in the movie was spectacular. It was done only using string instruments but it worked very effectively. The music accompanied each scene very effectively. As tension was building the music sped up, as violence occurred a very shrill noise happened. It was all very congruent to the movie. Due to the fact it was so congruent with the scenes in the movie, it also improved scenes because it created the proper mood. As we can see in each of the killing scenes, especially as Lila is approaching “Norman’s mother” in the cellar. All in all this definitely added to the fact Psycho is a 4 out 4.

Source by Roy Armstrong