Home Gaming ‘Gray Dawn’ Reappears with New Trailer, Q2 Release Date

‘Gray Dawn’ Reappears with New Trailer, Q2 Release Date


Remember Interactive Stone’s psychological thriller Gray Dawn? Probably not, since it’s been two years since we last heard about the game, and the devs had gone silent. That all changes with a new trailer recently released for the game, as well as an approximate release date!

For those in need of a refresher, Gray Dawn put you in the role of Father Abraham, a priest who had attempted an exorcism on an altar boy after he showed signs of possession. Unfortunately, the exorcism failed, and the boy disappeared. Those on the outside suspect that Father Abraham murdered the boy, and now Abraham must prove his innocence by traversing the countryside to find the truth as to what happened.

The game is set for release on PC via Steam “Q2 2018”. Yeah, it’s not an exact date, but it’s better than what we’ve been using for the past two years.

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