Home Gaming ‘Limbo’, ‘Siren’ Join PlayStation Now Service This Month

‘Limbo’, ‘Siren’ Join PlayStation Now Service This Month


Sony announced today that they’re bringing a couple of horror throwbacks to its PlayStation Now service. New this month on the service is the critically-acclaimed precursor to Inside in 2010’s Limbo, and 2004’s Siren. Both games will receive high-definition upgrades and trophy support (if you’re into that thing).

With the current crop of titles, the PlayStation Now library boasts over 650 titles, spanning across multiple consoles. If you haven’t already snagged the service, it’s $20USD/month to stream all the games that you want. Other notable horror titles include the BioShock series, the Darksiders series, Dark Souls 2, the Devil May Cry HD Collection, many Resident Evil games, Grim Fandango Remastered and more.

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