Home Movies ‘Incredible Violence’: To Save His Movie, a Director Must Become a Slasher!

‘Incredible Violence’: To Save His Movie, a Director Must Become a Slasher!


In easily one of the coolest loglines I’ve read in quite some time, G. Patrick Condon‘s indie Incredible Violence sounds a bit like Behind the Mask with a different kind of twist.

You see, in the film, a hack filmmaker wastes the money lent to him by a mysterious organization, and so has to take matters into his own hands by locking a cast of actors in a house and becoming the villain in his own slasher movie.

Cool, right?!

We also have two teasers and two first-look images from the pic that stars M.J. Kehler, Stephen Oates, and Michael Worthman. Thanks to Fabien M. for tipping us off!

Dig in!

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