Home Gaming Grab ‘Dead Space 2’ on Xbox One for Free This Month

Grab ‘Dead Space 2’ on Xbox One for Free This Month


A couple of months back, we got the superb Dead Space for free on PC. And now, for those Xbox One players with an Xbox Live Gold account, you can grab the awesome sequel, Dead Space 2, for free!

As part of Xbox’s Games With Gold service, from today until April 30th, Xbox One owners can grab Dead Space 2 and Assassin’s Creed Syndicate and The Witness for free. Unfortunately, the promotion doesn’t include the DLC (apart from the already-free Outbreak Maps), but you can grab those for $4.99 USD each.

As well know, this unfortunately is all obviously a very small consolation to the fact that the series’ developer, Visceral Games, is no more, and EA seems to have no real plans to revisit the series and redeem themselves over the lukewarm reception to Dead Space 3. And given EA’s past practices with beloved franchises, those developed by EA and those developers that established the franchises before EA took over, we might be left in the cold for a long while.

But at least we have one of the best launch trailers (in terms of the music choice) ever. And one of the most wince-inducing moments in videogame history.

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