Home Movies Say Your Prayers, ‘Conjuring’ Spinoff ‘The Nun’ Shifts to Fall

Say Your Prayers, ‘Conjuring’ Spinoff ‘The Nun’ Shifts to Fall


Warner Bros. announced today they’ll be shifting New Line’s The Nun from July 13, 2018, to September 7, 2018.

Following The Conjuring and its Annabelle spinoff, The Nun centers on a young nun at a cloistered abbey in Romania taking her own life, with a priest with a haunted past and a novitiate on the threshold of her final vows sent by the Vatican to investigate. Together they uncover the order’s unholy secret and confront a malevolent force in the form of the same demonic nun from The Conjuring 2.

Directed by Corin Hardy, the film stars Taissa Farmiga, Demian Bichir, Bonnie Aarons, Charlotte Hope, Jonas Bloquet, and Ingrid Bisu.

James Wan‘s Atomic Monster is also developing a Crooked Man spinoff and third Conjuring.

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