Home Gaming ‘Gears of War 5’ Box Art, Possible Release Date Leaked

‘Gears of War 5’ Box Art, Possible Release Date Leaked


The Coalition has still been mum regarding Gears of War 5, but it appears that the all-important release date may have been slipped.

According to Hispanic site Generation Xbox, not only has the release date apparently been leaked, but the cover art for the Xbox One exclusive, as well! According to the site, the game will release on September 10, 2019. At first glance, this lines up with what you’d expect for a release date (on a Tuesday). Plus, Microsoft has said that the game will release this year.

As for their source, the site claims that it was the Taiwan Digital Game Rating Committee website that revealed the date and box art (which recently revealed the existence of the upcoming remaster for Ghostbusters: The Video Game). Gears of War 5‘s entry has now apparently been scrubbed from the ratings site, so there might be something to this.

Microsoft will hopefully (and probably) reveal more about the game (including the release date) at E3 later this June.

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